Conscious Footprints

Can you live your life in transformation?

Suzy Godsey

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Today’s episode is a conversation with Sylvia Puentes, a very busy lady 
who has the gift of being in more than one place at once. 
Buzzing with energy and the exuberance of living, Sylvia seems to be all 
over the place, all at once, and never ceases to contribute. And she does 
so with enormous ease that she didn’t always have. For a long time, she 
was made wrong for being that squirrel energy that she is.
 What if living your life at your own speed, even if it was the speed of light, 
was not wrong, no matter what people said? What if you didn’t need to 
judge yourself or others for the way you live your life? What if you actually 
trusted your knowing and followed the energy? What if that was a muscle 
you could train?

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